Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Random thoughts

I haven't posted recently (work, exercise regimen, new book series, and random errands/chores have kept me preoccupied)... so here is a list of a few random things about me

1) I have to check my flat iron/curling iron/waver 3-4 times before I leave my apartment to make sure it's unplugged and completely cool or I'm afraid it will spontaneously catch on fire.  This also applies to the stove and toaster oven
2) My fiance and I motivate each other to reach our goals, exercise, and eat healthier... which is good since we're both stubborn and tenacious
3) I have to lock my door 5-7 times when leaving, always on an uneven number.  Psych majors - eat your heart out
4) I can't stand creme brulee or saffron because of the texture and aftertaste
5) I have to arrive to any meeting, appointment, or work at least 5-15 minutes earlier than I need to be.  If I am running late for any reason, it causes massive anxiety
6) I have road rage... especially when running late (see above)
7) I love singing, but I'm terrified of anyone hearing me so I only do it in the car when I'm by myself
8) Pregnancy freaks me out; it's like something out of a sci-fi movie to me.  Wouldn't laying an egg be easier?
9) I am very guarded with my emotions and do not wear them on my sleeve; I do not gush over Nicholas Sparks novels or other uber-girly things
10) My biggest irrational fear?  Tornadoes.  My biggest rational fear?  Living a life that is so boring that I am easily forgotten.
11) I wish wherever I lived was like Oregon: where no employer can refuse to hire me because of my tattoos/make me cover up my tattoos... that way I could get really awesome tattoos on my arms
12) I have no idea what I want to do with the rest of my life besides traveling, and I can't make a career out of that, so I need to figure that out... then I end up distracting myself with something else.  Like exercise, my fiance, or my current job.

I accidentally applied a double tanning elixir instead of sunscreen today, so now I'm exhausted from my sunburn.  I promise for a better post next time.  Off to bed I go.

1 comment:

  1. Oregon doesn't care about tattoos???


    Bye. I have to go pack.
